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“Fine.” I shrugged and grumbled underneath my breath. “If it’ll make you shut up about it and figure out a better fantasy for me.”
“Give me a few days.” She smiled and started tapping on her tablet. “Until then, feel free to choose anyone you want for the night—no charge.”
I was happy that Savannah had found some version of fantasy that worked for her. I hoped it was enough to restore some of the confidence that she lost somewhere along the way. She deserved that. I walked into the main part of Club Infinite Fantasy and looked around the room. I would have given anything to see it with the same grandeur I once had. There was something nostalgic about the moment I found comfort there for the first time. I just wasn’t interested in it anymore. I hated to turn down a free trip to paradise, but I didn’t want the hollowness that came after it, so I just headed for the door.
Maybe I just need a break. I can’t expect different results if I do the same thing over and over again—that’s the very definition of insanity.
“Hey man, how do we get in that club?” A Hispanic man with a leather jacket motioned to me as I walked towards my car.
“We?” I looked around and then my eyes focused on several other guys nearby concealed by the darkness.
“Yeah, my brothers and I hear this is a good place to find girls.” He tilted his head and smiled.
“Ah, well, this place is invitation only.” I shrugged and considered if I could make it to my car if I ran, or if I should try to make it back to the bouncers. “It’s not really a bar or a brothel—it’s more about fulfilling your fantasy.”
“That’s what we wanna do.” He grinned and nodded. “We all want to fulfill our fantasy.”
“I could give you a card.” I looked at the group and then back to the guy in front of me. “It’s not an invitation, but you could get on the list.”
Technically it is an invitation, but I’m going to call Angelina just as soon as I get out of here with my skin on my bones.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” He nodded again.
I handed over my card and tried to walk slowly towards my car in order to hide my panic. Angelina would have let me invite anyone I wanted since I had been a customer at Club Infinite Fantasy for several years, but the last thing I wanted was to give all those thugs a ticket to get in the front door. They didn’t look like they had good intentions, and I had no idea why they wanted to get in. I doubted they could afford to tip the girls, much less pay for a fantasy. The guy I gave my card to was wearing a motorcycle vest that had patches on it, so I figured they were some sort of gang. Once I was safely out of the parking lot, I called Angelina and filled her in. She sounded concerned, but promised she would handle it.
I think I’ve put off having a driver for too long. Maybe I should hire some bodyguards while I’m at it.
I made it back to my apartment and stretched out on my bed. I wondered what Angelina would come up with for me. I hadn’t really dated much after my divorce. I tried that approach once, but it never really did anything for me. It was one of the women I dated that introduced me to Angelina and Club Infinite Fantasy. She said it had helped her get through a tough time, and while our date was fun, she could tell I wasn’t ready for that kind of experience. She was right. The club was exactly what I needed at a time when my life was spiraling out of control. It brought me back to reality and saved me, but salvation had hit a roadblock. I wasn’t sure how I would overcome it, but I hoped Angelina would find a way to work her magic.
Chapter 8: Savannah
“I don’t want you to go.” I hugged Jedrek as he started sliding on his clothes. “I had a lot of fun with you and I don’t want it to end.”
“We have to trust Angelina. I went through a lot after I got out of prison and this is the first time I’ve truly felt happy in a long time. Club Infinite Fantasy brought us together, so let’s give it a shot.” He wrapped his arms around me. “I might have been your first, but I want you to keep an open mind, no matter what. If there is something out there for us, we’ll find our way back to each other.”
“Okay.” I nodded and exhaled sharply.
“Maybe one more kiss.” He leaned forward and crushed my lips beneath his for several seconds before he pulled away and left me standing in the middle of the room.
Jedrek was one piece of my fantasy—the missing piece. He shattered my illusions about Dominic. He showed me what it felt like when a man truly looked at someone with desire. I had never seen that from Dominic. He really was just my friend. For the first time in my life, I felt like I could possibly be that—just his friend. I was blinded by childish notions of what love and passion were. That illusion had been pulled apart so I could see the world through glasses of reality. I could be there for my friend. I could support him if his relationship flourished or wilted away. There would be no ulterior motive in my heart. I felt like that would make me a better friend, possibly even the friend he needed when Nancy did what I expected her to do again. I couldn’t heal his heartbreak with my love, all I could be was the shoulder to lean on.
“Savannah, can I come in?” I heard Angelina’s voice, followed by a knock.
“Yeah, of course.” I walked over and opened my door. “You just missed Jedrek.”
“I waited for him to leave.” She walked into my room and turned to face me. “So, I trust that you had a good time?”
“It was awesome.” I nodded quickly. “I didn’t want it to end.”
“It had too, I’m afraid. Jedrek was only one piece of your fantasy and there’s still more to come—starting tonight.” She grinned. “I think you’ll like your next match.”
“How many pieces of my fantasy are there?” I raised my eyebrows in concern. “I really liked Jedrek and I’m not sure I want anyone else.”
“There are four.” She held up her fingers to emphasize her point.
“Four?!” My eyes nearly bulged out of my skull. “I thought your job was to find my fantasy, not turn me into a carousel!”
“This is more than just a fantasy. Sometimes your fantasy can actually become a journey. I’m sure you’d run away with Jedrek if I let you, but then your journey wouldn’t be complete. You’ve spent your life chasing one guy—don’t shut down on me so quickly. You need to see what the world is like. I promise it’ll be worth it.” She walked towards the door. “Feel free to go out into the club and mingle if you want. The day crowd is a little tamer than the ones that come around in the evening.”
I sat down on the bed once Angelina was gone. I wondered if she was right. Jedrek had been amazing and he had shown me things that would always be a part of me, but I didn’t know what the world was like. My friends in college had certainly gotten around while I was pining over Dominic. Most of them left their carousel behind and found wonderful men to marry. Then there was Nancy, of course. She didn’t seem to know how to get off her carousel, even when she had my illusion of the perfect man at her feet. I was done being the sweet, innocent virgin with a broken heart shoved in my chest. I was pulling it out, mending it, and getting on with my life. I headed to the bathroom and showered before getting dressed for the day. It was time to mingle.
This might actually be fun.
“WELL, WHO ARE YOU?” I walked up to the bar and a guy sitting on the stool next to me turned in my direction. “I think you’re my fantasy brought to life.”
“Am I now?”
The bartender walked over as I took a seat. “What would you like?” He leaned against the bar. “Buzz off, Sal. You’re a lifetime member, but you don’t get to hit on every girl that walks in the door. That pickup line hasn’t worked in years.”
“Blah, you ruined it, Gary!” He grumbled and turned away from me.
“I’ll take a beer—Bud Light if you have it.” I turned towards the crowd as the bartender nodded.
I never really liked beer until I had it with Jedrek. There was something tied to the memory that made me crave it, even in the middle of the afternoon. The club was definitely
quieter during the day. There were only a few guys spread throughout the room, some women that looked like they probably worked there, and only a couple of cocktail waitresses. It looked more like a typical bar than the land of fantasy it seemed like the previous night. I wondered if part of the fantasy they sold was actual prostitution on top of catering to ultimate desires. My suspicions were confirmed when I watched a man approach one of the women, hand her some money, and follow her into one of the side rooms.
“Here you go.” The bartender brought over my beer. “You’re new here, right? You’re a guest of Mr. Stone?”
“Yeah, that’s right.” I turned back towards him and nodded. “He signed me up for a week.”
“Once your week is over, you’ll be able to get a membership if you want. You won’t get to refer others, but you can come by anytime you want.” He smiled and pointed to my beer. “The drinks are free, too.”
“That’s a good perk.” I grinned and lifted the glass to my lips. “How does this place avoid getting shut down? I mean, I’m not blind—I see what is going on here.”
“Do you now?” He chuckled and nodded. “Well, you might not be looking close enough. Everyone here is fulfilling their fantasy. You’d be surprised what people want.”
“So, the girls over there don’t work here?” I motioned to some of the scantly clad women sitting at at table.
“It’s a little more complicated than that.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Why don’t you go over there and talk to them? They can explain it better than I can.”
“Hmm, okay.” I nodded and picked up my beer.
There was one seat, which had been vacated by the woman who left with the man after I saw them exchange money. I was pretty sure they were prostitutes, regardless of what Gary said. I felt strange approaching them, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt. I was curious to know more about Club Infinite Fantasy, and exactly what I was getting myself into. Plus, Angelina had said I should mingle, so I decided to take advantage of it. The watched as I approached with curiosity and when I got closer, I started to hesitate, but one of them motioned for me to join them. She pushed the chair out with her foot and I took a seat.
“Fresh meat!” The one that had motioned to me extended her hand. “I’m Abigail.”
“Hi, I’m Savannah.” I nodded and smiled as I took my seat. “Why’d you call me fresh meat?”
“We know all about you.” The woman sitting next to Abigail grinned and batted her eyelashes. “You’re a guest of Mr. Stone.”
“God, he’s so hot!” Abigail waved her hand near her neck. “I just wish I didn’t have to wear a blonde wig when I was with him.”
Okay, this may be a bit more information than I ever needed to know about my boss.
“So, are you all here seeking your fantasy?” I tried to change the conversation before I heard anything else about Mr. Stone that would make it hard to look at him when I returned to work.
“Let me guess.” Abigail opened her purse and pulled out a cigarette. “You thought we were whores, right? Don’t worry, all the fresh meat thinks that.”
“Well...” I could have lied, but my face wasn’t very good at keeping secrets.
“I used to have this fantasy about meeting the perfect man and settling down, raising a bunch of babies, white picket fence—all that garbage.” She lit her cigarette and exhaled. “But then I got it and realized it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.”
“Same here.” The woman next to her nodded. “Now we are The Hotwife Society.”
“What’s that?” I looked at the woman who spoke and then back to Abigail. “Hotwife Society?”
“We realized that a traditional life and a normal marriage wasn’t for us. We bonded over books, drinks, and then divorce. We came here looking for our fantasy and Angelina helped us find what we were looking for.” Abigail nodded and lifted her cigarette to her lips again. “Now we’re married to men that want exactly what we want.”
“Wait, you’re all married?!” My eyes bulged out of my head.
“Yep!” Abigail nodded again. “My new husband is awesome, but he likes to watch more than he likes to participate. If the guy I’m with is interested, we go into one of the rooms with a window or a two-way mirror and he gets to satisfy his fantasy while I get mine. Some of the guys even let him sit in the room with us.”
“But I saw the girl that was sitting here get paid before she went back into one of those rooms.” I pointed towards the back area of the club.
“Men who have a lot of money sometimes like to feel like they own you. It’s a form of financial domination. There are even some guys that like it when you demand money from them once you’re behind closed doors.” She shrugged and took another drag off her cigarette. “They don’t have to pay, but I’m getting what I want, so I don’t mind if I go home with enough money for a new pair of shoes.”
“It gets a little crazy in here at night, so we like to come during the day when it’s quieter.” The woman next to her nodded. “But, you’re fresh meat, so explore a little bit. Find out what you want before you settle on your ultimate fantasy. You might be surprised by what you find out about yourself.”
“Maybe I’ll keep an open mind.” I stood slowly and nodded to the group. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, darling.” The woman on the far left spoke for the first time. “And if you decide you like girls, come see me and I’ll make your dreams come true.”
“Oh!” I blushed a little bit and grimaced. “I don’t think that’s going to be my fantasy, I’m sorry.”
“No problem, but I’m calling dibs if you change your mind.” She licked her lips and nodded. “My husband can join in too if you would feel better with a dick in the room.”
I felt like I understood more about the club as I finished my beer and headed back to my room. It had seemed like little more than a brothel when I walked in the previous night, but things were a little more clear now. Everyone there was chasing some sort of fantasy, and as much as I liked Jedrek, it wouldn’t be fair to myself if I didn’t trust Angelina to find what I truly desired. Angelina sent word that I should wear one of the dresses in my closet and be ready to go by six o’clock. I watched television, caught up on my social media, and called my parents to let them know I hadn’t fallen off the face of the earth before I heard a knock at the door.
“Are you ready for the second piece of your fantasy?” Angelina leaned against the door and smiled.
“Am I going to get strapped to a table again?” I raised my eyebrows in concern.
“Not tonight, I won’t have to convince you this time.” She looked over her shoulder and motioned for someone. “This is your date for the evening.”
“What?” I felt my lips tremble. “There’s no freaking way.”
“We cater to all fantasies, my dear.” Angelina started to chuckle. “Even people you wouldn’t expect.”
She seriously can’t expect me to go on a date with Dr. Hot!
Chapter 9: Thorne
“Hold on, you need a little more makeup.” The girl next to me grabbed my arm. “You can’t go on television looking like you just crawled out of bed.”
“I did just crawl out of bed.” I growled at her and tried to settle down. “I just want to get this show over with, not look like a clown.”
“The audience expects a certain version of Dr. Hot and it is my job to deliver him.” She leaned across me and started rubbing a brush along the bottom of my eye. “You can’t expect the housewives of New York to masturbate to a slob, can you?”
“What do you masturbate to?” I leaned over and grabbed her ass. “Maybe you don’t have to masturbate tonight and you can have the real thing.”
“I don’t masturbate to you—that’s for sure.” She slapped my hand away. “You do that again and you’ll be hearing from my husband’s lawyer.”
Yeah, he can get in line behind the rest of the people looking to sue me.
I never thought failing out of medical school would actual
ly earn me the title of Doctor. I wasn’t a real doctor, I just played one on television. I technically did have a doctorate, but it was one that was gifted to me once I started gaining a following. It was a publicity stunt for a local university and it definitely didn’t allow me to practice medicine. It was in something stupid, like economics or history. I showed up, gave a speech, and walked out with the title I pretended to already have. My show was the hottest show on cable—in the afternoons. It had some replays late at night for those that didn’t get to catch it live, but that wasn’t the audience I was after.
“Okay, you’re good to go.” She leaned back and smiled. “Your screaming audience awaits.”
“Thanks.” I stood and reached for my suit jacket.
Time to make some horny housewives get off before their husbands come home.
My show came on at one o’clock. It was right after lunch and perfect for housewives that had an hour to kill before they had to go pick up their kids from school. Over the course of the hour, I interviewed a couple of guests and killed most of the hour getting to the highest rated segment— Intimate Moments with Dr. Hot. It was verbal pornography and we usually got so close to the edge of what the network censors would allow that we got a threatening letter weekly—sometimes daily. I looked into the camera, told them how special they were, and what I wanted to do them. I took a deep breath and looked at the script for a moment as the last guest left and it was time for me to deliver what everyone tuned in for.
“Hello, gorgeous.” I flashed my million-dollar smile and leaned closer as the lights dimmed. “I bet you’ve been thinking about me, haven’t you? Your husband doesn’t treat you like a real man should. I would lay you down, slowly pull off all your clothes in the candlelight, and then I would devour you—inch by inch—all the way to your...oh, they won’t let me say it, but you know what I want. I bet he doesn’t even do that for you anymore, but I will—right now.”