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- Kelli Callahan
The Professor Page 4
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Page 4
After a while, to lighten the mood, I break the silence. “I like your beanie.”
Abby snickers. “Liar. It’s ugly.”
Hell, it really is. Chuckling, I ask, “Why do you wear it?” She kept the thing on in class this morning, and she’s still wearing it.
“My sister made it for me.”
I smile. “Enough said.” I have no siblings, except my stepsister. She’s seventeen and we don’t have much in common. I love her, but we’re not very close.
“My place is the next street ahead,” she announces.
It barely even registered that we were already on the west side. I’d been too caught up in her. Conversing with her and then thinking about her… and me… together.
I’ve barely come to stop in front of a quaint one-story house when Abby hops out with a quick, “thanks.”
I sigh and get out. “Constantly running after you will keep me in great shape.”
She stops, audibly sighs and slowly turns around. “I’m sorry. Thank you for the lift. You should get going. It’s a long way back to your side of town and it’s―”
Without putting much thought into it, I kiss her. She didn’t realize I’d closed in on her because she was too busy rambling, trying to get rid of me. I must have lost my mind. She’s been throwing up blocks all day and here I am kissing her without permission. At any second, I might get a slap to the face or a knee to my balls. But none of that comes, so I step a little closer. Surprisingly, she kisses me back.
Her mouth moves readily to the rhythm of mine. It’s amazing how quickly I lose myself in her, forgetting that we’re standing on a sidewalk. I cup her cheeks and delve deeper until she sighs softly. Reluctantly, I pull away. We’re still close, so her warm breath fans my face. Nothing has changed. That fire I experienced kissing her in Mexico is still there. I think it’s blazing even hotter now. Her lashes flutter and lift, revealing light blue eyes clouded with desire.
“I’m your student.” The words come out as a rush of air.
“Does that mean you’re not dropping my class after all?”
She pulls away and her features shadow with worry. That was a bad joke. What we’re doing is against the rules. But I can’t bring myself to just walk away. I’ve only gotten quick tastes and I’m already addicted to her.
“You should get going.”
“I will when you agree to have dinner with me.”
“I can’t date you, Bryce.”
I huff. “Look, I know that we shouldn’t...it isn’t the best idea.”
She takes a retreating step. “No shit.”
“But you can’t walk away any more than I can.”
I wait for her to deny it. She folds her arms, her stance shouting defiance, but she can’t look me in the eyes nor can she refute. Just as I thought. Undeniable chemistry, that’s what’s happening here.
“One dinner,” I suggest, “we’ll see where things go from there.”
“I don’t know…”
“We’ll go far from Oak Valley. I know that’s what you’re worried about.”
Teeth worrying her lips, she glances around the block, then back at her house. “I’m really busy.”
“But you have to eat. Give me your phone number, we can work around your schedule.”
Her foot taps out a rapid rhythm on the concrete, but she holds out her hand. Resisting the urge to fist pump the air, I fish my phone out of my pocket and hand it to her.
She hands it back and grumbles, “Let’s hope you don’t live to regret this.”
“Has anyone ever told you, you’re wound way too tight for a nineteen-year-old?”
She glowers. “No.”
“Relax, Abby. It’s just dinner.” I nod to the house. “I’ll wait until you go in and lock up.”
Her expression lights with amusement. “I can take care of myself.”
I lift a brow. “Good to know. Still, I’ll wait until you go in.”
She rolls her eyes. “Goodnight.”
“That’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me all day,” I tease.
Her lips twist into a wry smile. “You still prefer Jessica from Vegas?”
“No, I’m getting to like Abigale from here a lot.”
Her smile brightens, like the sun rising in the middle of the night. She whirls around and hurries to her door, leaving me grinning from ear to ear.
I have a feeling I’m going to like Abigale from the west of Oak Valley more than Jessica from Vegas.
Chapter Five
Staring out the window, watching the snow flurries, I absently swirl a spoon in a cup of black coffee. My mind is far from here, on a certain sexy professor who refuses to take no for an answer. Deep down, I’m relieved he didn’t give up when I pushed him away. One week later, we haven’t gone on that date yet. Between school and working at the diner, it’s tight for me. He says he’s patient. We had that conversation last night over the phone.
The entire time I spoke to him I felt myself blushing like a virgin―well, I am a virgin―but getting heated over everything he says is just ridiculous. The man can mention the weather and my skin gets hot from head to toe.
“Earth to Abby.”
I start. “Huh?”
“Wow, this whole college thing sure is doing a number on you.” Lucy hops onto the counter.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop putting your ass on the counter?”
“I’ve stopped counting, Mom.”
I suck my teeth when she plucks my mug out of my hands and takes a sip. “You’re such an asshole.” But I grin. This is our morning routine. She annoys me, I lecture her. We’ve raised each other since Mom died. She passed when I was eight and Lucy was seven. Things were never the same after that. Dad really dove into the criminal underworld after that. I think the grief was too much for him. Getting into trouble with the law, constantly, was his coping mechanism, I suppose.
“But you love me to death.” Lucy’s smile fades. “Look at you, Abby, when was the last time you slept?”
“What are you talking about? I slept last night.”
“I mean for more than two hours.”
“Now who’s the mom? I’m fine.” It’s a good question, though. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten a good night’s sleep.
“So fine you were just sleeping with your eyes open. I said good morning like three times and you didn’t hear me.”
“I was…” just daydreaming about a man. If I say that out loud, I’ll never hear the end of it. “Don’t worry. I’ll catch up on sleep soon or later. How’s the new job?”
She shrugs. “It’s whatever.”
“Typical eighteen-year-old answer.” I snatch my mug back and head to the dining table to crack a textbook open. I dozed off some time around three this morning before I got to finish reading.
Lucy hops off the counter and busies herself making breakfast. “I went to see Dad yesterday.”
I stop stirring my coffee. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Ugh, that’s why she needed the car last night.
She sets a frying pan on the stove and glowers at me over her shoulder. “Why, were you going to come with?”
“I had to work.”
“And if you didn’t?”
Giving her an equally fierce look, I proceed to sip coffee.
Lucy harrumphs. “That’s what I thought. I told him you were super busy with school and work so he wouldn’t feel bad about you avoiding him. He says he’s proud of you and he misses you. You should go and see him, Abby.”
Guilt slithers in my gut. I really should. Sure, Dad got his hands dirty. A lot. Our name will forever be looked down upon in this town. But he took care of us the best he could. He kept us clothed and fed, made sure we never missed school. I sigh. “I will soon. I promise.”
Seemingly satisfied, Lucy nods and returns to her task.
Sitting outside when it’s this cold is madness. Charlie doesn’t seem to mind, though. She’s chatting away, regaling me
with tales of her weekend visit with her mom. Chief Traverse and his wife divorced ages ago, and she lives a few hours’ drive away. Charlie always comes back with a few stories. As she narrates, all I can think about is how much I miss Mexico, especially when a gust of wind picks up and swirls around us, making me shiver.
My phone vibrates in my pocket. I’m surprised I feel it since I’m almost fully numb from the cold. “Charlie, if I get frostbite, I’m suing you,” I grumble.
She sniggers. “The cool air is good for you.”
I scowl. Cool? We might as well be at the fucking North Pole. We’re sitting on a bench on campus, just hanging out between classes. We could have gone to a cafe or somewhere warmer, but no, my insane friend wants to hang outside.
My heart stutters as soon as I pull up my messages and see Bryce’s name. Actually, I have him stored as Cancun in case anyone gets into my phone. He got a good laugh out of that.
C: Bet I know what you’re thinking.
I lift a brow, confused about the random text.
I tap out, Um… okay. What am I thinking?
C: You’re thinking about Mexico.
My brows dip. Yeah, I was just thinking about it.
A: You’re good. How do you know?
C: (grinning emoji) You look cold.
My head snaps ups, and I survey the campus. There are several other brave students lounging outside and some are strolling by. In the parking lot, a good distance away, I see his car. He’s leaned against it, a paper coffee cup in hand, peering in my direction. Looking at him anyone would think, he’s just finishing his coffee while checking emails or something, before he gets into his car.
A: I’m freezing. How long have you been standing there… watching me?
C: Too long.
A: Stalker.
C: I’m not even ashamed anymore.
I let out a giggle and Charlie stops talking to look at me funny. “I gave you the joke like two minutes and now you’re laughing?”
“Er…” I don’t have the heart to tell her I spaced out and missed the joke. “It’s just clicking right now.” She lifts a brow and launches into another topic.
Glancing back at Bryce, I see him smile. I’m glad we talk like this, over texts and phone calls. He makes me laugh. I blow out a breath. It’s time for me to stop pussyfooting around and just go out with the guy. He’s been patient and so sweet. I’m going to make time this weekend. I let him know.
A: I’m free this weekend…
I look his way to see his expression. He’s looking at his phone, wearing a broad grin.
C: I’ll call you.
“Okay, who are you talking to?” Charlie reaches for my phone and I stretch my arm away just in time before she can take it from me. She gasps. “Oh my god, you are talking to someone!” she screeches, and it has my ear ringing. I had no idea voices could even go that high. “Who is it? Who is he? What’s he like? Tell me everything. Does he smell good? Men who smell good are the best,” she sighs in a dreamlike state.
Actually, Bryce does smell good.
Really, really fucking good.
“What’s he do? Is he a student? Does he go here? Is he older?” she drops her tone salaciously.
I can hardly keep up with all her questions.
“Oh! Is he married? I’ll support you the best I can, but between you and me, I don’t think that’s right to do.”
“Okay, woah. Just stop. You’re getting way ahead of yourself. He is not a student. We are just friends right now. Nothing more. I don’t think I want more.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t ruin something good because of your family again. I’m sure the only person on this campus that cares so much is you.”
“Does he know about your dad?”
I sigh, my breath leaving my lips in froze puffs. “Yes, he does.”
“Does he care?”
“I don’t think so,” I grumble.
“Well, maybe you should think about being more than friends and if you want to talk about him, when you’re ready, I’ll be here with open ears. And of course I’ll be totally freaking happy for you.”
I grin and look out toward the silver car again, seeing Bryce behind the wheel still watching me.
I want Charlie to be right.
But something tells me, the relationship between me And Bryce will be a lot harder than she is making it out to be.
A mayor’s rich son and a convict’s daughter don’t belong together. It isn’t a love written in the stars.
It isn’t written at all.
Because it never happens.
It doesn’t make sense.
Chapter Six
I’ve been on countless dates― too many that meant too little. This impending one, however, has me on edge. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been nervous about… anything. Wait, I can remember a time. Two weeks ago in Cancun when I caused a pretty girl to spill her drink all over herself. Yeah, I’d been nervous then. I’d lost my cool for a bit, stupidly staring at her boobs. The memory makes me laugh out loud.
I couldn’t help it. She has great boobs. Perky, round, and I know they will fit in the palm of my hands.
They will be just right.
My cock jerks in memory of her dabbing her chest dry, and I close my eyes to take a deep breath. I have to get myself under control.
My fingers tighten around the steering wheel. I guess it’s safe to conclude that Abby makes me nervous. I’m on my way to pick her up and there’s a good portion of excitement mixed in with my case of nerves. I’ve never wanted to impress a woman so badly since high school. I’m even wearing a tie. I fucking hate ties. I can’t help tugging at the damn thing with annoyance.
Abby’s place comes into view, and I commence my pep talk.
“Relax, it’s just dinner. You won’t mess up.” I’m still in the stage of tiptoeing around Abby. She’s extremely skittish about us right now. One wrong move or word and she’ll bolt. She sure keeps me on my toes. She doesn’t play hard to get. She is hard to get. The woman has so many barriers thrown up, a bulldozer is needed to get all the way through. But I know things can’t be rushed. I’m slowly making progress, getting her to lower a few of her brick walls all on her own.
As I park and prepare to get out of the car. I see a figure dashing towards me. It’s Abby, moving impressively fast on high heels. She dives into my car and turns to me with a smile, while I’m still gaping at her.
“I was going to come to your door.”
“I know, but you shouldn’t.”
“We’re not at St. Jacobs. Who here knows about the whole professor student thing?”
“No one but plenty will recognize the mayor’s son.”
I sigh. Right. She’s hell bent on “protecting” me. It’s actually kind of sweet. “I didn’t even get to see you in your dress,” I joke. I don’t have to see what she has on to know she looks amazing. Even if she had on that unsightly beanie, she’d look beautiful.
Grinning, she peels off her coat and turns to me in her seat. My jaw slackens at the sight of the figure-hugging red dress with the plunging neckline. Her face is lightly made up with only eyeshadow and lipstick. Her chestnut brown hair hangs as a silky, wavy curtain around her shoulders.
I swallow. “You look ravishing.”
Taking me by surprise, she leans over and kisses my cheek.. It’s the first time she’s made the first move to touch me. It’s only a kiss on the cheek, but it means we’re definitely making progress.
“Thanks you look good too. You’re wearing a tie. I thought you hated ties.”
I mentioned it in one of our many entertaining phone conversations. “I’m trying to impress you.”
A slow smile spreads across her face. “You don’t need the tie to do that.” My breathing comes to a halt when she reaches over to loosen my tie and lift it over my head. Our eyes remained locked the entire time, making the innocent action… erotic. There’s a suspicious twit
ch at my crotch and I gulp. Abby in that dress is a major turn on.
“There,” she says with a smile. “Now what do I do with this?” She gazes at the navy blue silk tie.
“I can think of a few things.” They involve a bedroom and us naked. I’m sure she hears the sexual suggestion because her breath hitches and her cheeks flush pink. She tosses the tie on the back seat as if it’s suddenly become too hot to hold.
With a smirk, I tell her, “Buckle up,” and drive off.
Twenty minutes later, I park in an empty lot. Abby looks around with a frown. “When you said we’d go out of Oak Valley, I didn’t think you meant the middle of nowhere.”
I chuckle. “This is where the helipad is.”
“Helipad? What do we need with a helipad?”
“We’re taking a helicopter from here. When I said out of Oak Valley, I meant way out.”
Her mouth falls open.
“I hope that means you’re thoroughly impressed.” Her eyes widen and she nods, making me laugh. “Good.”
I jog around to her side and take a deep breath before opening her door. She places her hand in the one I offer, and I swear I feel a jolt of electricity shoot up my arm. It has to be in my head. I’ve heard people talk about the phenomena but surely it can’t be real. I swallow hard, as she gets out of the car. I forget to step back to give her some space so when she stands, we’re extremely close. Almost touching.
The need to kiss her―or just touch her in any way―arises. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve never been this drawn to anyone. Abby’s lips parts and her cheeks flush, as if she’s silently inviting me to kiss her. All I have to do is lower my head just a little…
She shivers, pulling me out of my haze. I blink and step back. Holding the lapels of her coat together, I say, “You’d better zip up.”
“I wasn’t shivering because of the cold.” She seems just as dazed as I’d been. Her lashes lift and her eyes widen. “I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud.”
Pursing my lips, I fight back a satisfied smile. “Shall we?” I offer an arm. Even the innocent contact of her palm resting on my arms as we stroll across the parking lot is arousing. How am I supposed to make it through dinner if I react to her on this insane level? Jaws clenched, I steeled myself for the many hard-ons I’ll have to fight down through the night.