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Page 5
When we get to the helicopter, I hold out a hand to help her inside.
“Such a gentleman,” she says, grabbing my hand and then she steps onto the rail and lifts herself up. My eyes land on her ass, the dress inching up her thighs as she bends over.
Jesus. The woman is out to kill me.
I follow behind her and settle in the seat. I reach over to tug the seat belt over her, and our bodies are close. Our faces are inches apart, and I have the opportunity to kiss her again.
I want to. I want to so bad.
“Are we ready?” the pilot asks, breaking the moment between Abby and I.
I guess that settles that.
Her breath puffs across my cheek as I move away and buckle myself in. We put the headphones on so we can hear the pilot if he needs to talk since riding in a helicopter is louder. He flips a few buttons, and the blades start to spin above us.
I look to my left and see Abby staring at the ceiling with wide eyes.
Eventually we start to lift in the air, and her hand flies to grab mine. She’s holding on tight and I’m going to let her.
My thumb rubs over the top of her hand, enjoying her touch even if it is because she’s scared.
We start flying and the pilot is taking us over the mountains. We can see the pastures of cattle, the town, even the University, and it is gorgeous.
Abby is looking out the window, nearly plastering her face to the glass and it makes me chuckle.
It isn’t long before we land and I’m helping her out of the Helicopter. The gusts of wind of the blades cause her hair to fly all around her shoulders. Her face is flushed and she throws her arms around me, squealing.
“That was so much fun! I’ve never flown in a helicopter. Thank you! Oh my gosh, I feel…I feel kind of high right now,” she giggles, throwing her hand over her mouth. “That sounds bad. I’ve never been high, I’m just saying this is what it has to feel like because wow, that was amazing.”
God, I want to kiss her right now, but I hold myself back.
I can’t help staring at Abby. Her face was lit with excitement. I’ve never thought much of my family owning a helicopter but I sure am glad we do now. If just for impressing a woman. The one woman I was interested in impressing. Seeing how thrilled she is about the twenty-minute ride, I wish I’d really flexed my muscles and flown the thing myself.
“I can’t believe you got a helicopter for our date.” She laughes, the sound breezy and carefree. I’m glad she isn’t as wound up and worried about our titles as she’s needlessly been.
“It beats the two hours drive we’d probably have to make to get here.”
“Where are we?” She looks around the open space with interest. “Whose house is that?”
The helipad we’d landed on is one of the many Marshall properties in the capital city. The building she’s gazing at is a sprawling mansion sitting in the middle of acres of land.
“We’re in Cheyenne and that is the house my father bought for my mother before she died. It’s mine now.”
Abby lifted a brow. “You own a mansion with a helipad? And you say it as if it’s nothing.”
I shrugged. “It’s just a house.”
She snorted. “Of course it is. To you, Prince Bryce.”
I chuckled. “Prince?”
She smirked. “Never mind that.”
I study her with suspicion. I really hoped that isn’t what people call me in Oak Valley. How embarrassing. I’m nothing like my father. I don’t flaunt my position or money. I don’t care all that much that I have money, to be honest. However, it does come in handy when one is trying his damndest to impress a woman.
“Is our date...here?” She asks.
“Yes. You wanted far from Oak Valley and privacy.” I wave to the house. “Here you have it, distance and privacy.”
That seems to brighten her some more. She lets out a breath. “Oh, this is good. I feel like I can relax.”
My brows dipped. “I feel like you’re ashamed of being seen with me, Abby.” I’m kidding around...but not really. “You aren’t, are you? Just making sure.”
“That’s funny. If anyone should be ashamed to be seen with anyone it’s you. You should be ashamed to be seen with me.”
I let out a frustrated sigh. “Damn it, Abby, you’re killing me here. You haven’t known me long enough to fully know my character but you even thinking that is insulting.”
Her shoulders noticeably drooped under the heavy coat. and I instantly wanted to kick myself in the ass. “I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that you are who you are and I’m...who I am.”
“You’re the incredibly sweet and funny woman I met on the beach. The woman who I’m insanely attracted to. That’s all that matters to me about who you are.”
Her troubled eyes are fixed on me as if she’s searching for the slightest sign that I’m lying. She’ll find none. “I’m sorry. I’m ruining the mood, aren’t I?” Hanging her head, she mumbles, “I’m not very good at this. Dating. I haven’t dated much...okay, ever. I’m a bit nervous. A lot nervous. And I’m babbling. I do that when I’m nervous.” She lets out a little laugh that rings with uncertainty.
I instantly soften. Grasping her chin, I force her to meet my gaze. “So, we’re dating, are we?”
Her cheeks already pink from the cold, brightens. “Well...no... I just meant…
Chuckling, I tell her, “I know what you mean. You don’t have to be nervous. You’re safe with me.” Hope she fully understands what I mean. She doesn’t have to worry about her family’s reputation with me. I’d never hold that against her. “Relax.”
Resisting the urge to kiss her again, I drop my hand and smile. “Let’s get inside.”
Abigale Knight is one hell of a woman and I have my work cut out for me to show her, to prove that I don’t care about what her father did.
I care about her and who she is.
But damn it, she isn’t making it easy.
Chapter Seven
I hope I don’t look like a fool gawking at everything in Bryce’s house... mansion. The inside is doubly more impressive than the outside. I feel out of place and so out of his league but I’m trying to play it cool. I believed him when he said he didn’t care about my name. The sincerity was there in his eyes. The more I get to know him, the more I realize he’s genuinely a nice guy. Peeking at his profile through my lashes, I decide that I want to get to know him better.
I eye the expensive furniture and paintings as we make our way to wherever we’re going. My hand is resting on the arm that he’s offered again. He’s so thoughtful, such a gentleman. They don’t make many of those on my side of town.
“Your place is nice.” I’m feeling incredibly timid in his domain.
“Thanks. My mother loved the seclusion it offered. I didn’t know she left the place to me until she died.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I come here at least once a month for a weekend away from everything.”
“And everyone?”
He glances at me with a smile. “Precisely.”
That sounds nice. Having the luxury of getting away so often. I’d love to run away from Oak Valley at least one weekend every month.
“Maybe you can join me sometime.”
His offer catches me off guard and my steps falter. He’s talking as if he already knows we’re going to be all that serious. “You said one date to see how things go.”
“I’m an optimistic guy.”
He shrugs, and I can’t help laughing. I don’t respond to his offer, but I consider it. A weekend alone with Bryce in his mansion. It sounds nice, but I’m not going to get my hopes up. For all I know, dinner will be a disaster and he won’t want to see me again. Just like he’s an optimistic guy, I’m a skeptic when it comes to romance.
We enter a dining room and I gulp. It’s no longer just the two of us. There’s a woman dressed in black and white, waiting by a beautifully
set dining table. She looks about middle-aged. Her smile is warm and welcoming as she addresses Bryce. “Mr. Marshall, welcome back.”
“Thanks Greta.”
“Everything is in order as you requested. Dinner is ready.” She turns her smile on me. “Hello, welcome. I hope you enjoy your evening.”
I nod and smile shyly. Good grief, he has staff. Of course, he does. The woman disappears, and I can’t help accusing, “You said we’d have privacy.”
Bryce’s brows elevate. “We do. Greta and everyone else―”
“There’s more?”
“Sure. The chef, the―”
“I thought we’d be alone.” My anxiety is on the rise, and I start to fidget with my clutch purse. “Won’t they...talk?”
Bryce rests his hands on my shoulders. “Everyone here lives in this town and they’re discrete. No one back home will know you’ve been here. I promise. I had to involve the chef and a few others, Abby. I can’t cook worth a damn. I’d never risk trying and end up poisoning you.”
I snicker and it turns into giggles. What is wrong with me? I’m acting as if Bryce and I are committing some unforgivable crime. It’s just dinner for goodness’ sake. “I’m sorry, I just...I can’t help feeling on edge. It isn’t just that you’re a Marshall. You’re also my professor. I don’t want you getting into trouble with the school.”
His sigh rings with a bit of worry too. “I know. I’m willing to take the risk. Doesn’t that tell you anything?”
I swallow, taking comfort in his warm palms on my shoulders. Yeah, it tells me a lot. Eyes locking with his, I admit, “I like you a lot too.”
He smiles. “Trust me.”
“I do.” And it’s surprising. I don’t trust easily. The tension seeps from my shoulders. “So, when do we eat? I’m starving.”
Bryce’s relieved chuckle tickles me in the lower region. Being around him constantly makes me think about sex and it’s a little scary. I don’t want to get too involved too soon. It’s always smart to take things slow.
He leads me to the table and pulls out my chair. “Welcome to casa de Bryce.”
More giggles erupt, and I quickly swallow them. I sure do giggle a lot around him. Like a silly school girl. “Thanks.”
I’m all too aware of the heat of his body as he settles beside me. I wouldn’t be too worried if the setting wasn’t so romantic. The room is lit by candles, there are flowers and champagne. The sliding glass doors provide us with a magnificent view of the darkening sky that is already illuminated by the moon and stars. I gulp. It’s beautiful, like any romantic five-star restaurant, and I want Bryce to kiss me in this setting and never stop. Maybe coming to his house wasn’t the best idea. There are bedrooms at our disposal. Things could go further than just dinner.
“Hey, are you okay?”
The concern in his voice yanks me from my lustful thoughts. “Huh? Sure. Fine.”
He narrows his eyes at me but he doesn’t say anything.
A few minutes later and our dinner date is underway. It starts out with appetizers and champagne. I’ve never had champagne before in my life. Four courses and multiple glasses of vintage red wine later, I am so into Bryce, I don’t want the night to end. He’s amazing. He’s so...so...Bryce. Funny, charming, considerate, smart, everything in one deliciously toned package. No one is supposed to be this perfect. Jaw propped on one hand, I stare at him. Hard. There has to be something wrong with him.
“I’m boring you, aren’t I?”
I blink. “What? No. Why would you say that?”
Bryce twists in his seat to face me. “You asked me why I decided on a career in education. I was explaining why and then you started glaring at me.” His brows were drawn together in a slight frown, but humor resonates in his words and there’s a gleam in his eyes. “I know economics isn’t an exciting topic.”
I feel my eyes widen. “No, that’s not it at all. You’re not boring me.” I’ve been hanging onto his every word for the last two hours until my pesky doubt started creeping in.
“So, why are you staring at me with such...intensity.” He laughs.
I adore the deep, seductive rumble of his laugh. “Well…” I blow out a breath. “Honestly?”
“Please, honestly.”
“I’m wondering what’s wrong with you. You can’t be perfect. No one is.”
Bryce blinks, and I hold my breath. Did I offend him? He wanted honesty. Panic mounts at the thought that I’ve ruined the amazing night with my loose tongue. But his lips slowly curl into a smile. Then he throws his head back and laughs. The sound echoes in the dining room, making me smile. Relief floods me.
“You are…” He shakes his head, still chuckling, “Incredibly refreshing.”
I snort. “Women fall at your feet, I take it.” I know they do, and I don’t blame them. I’m tempted to throw myself at him right now. The way he strokes his chin thoughtfully, brings attention to his square jaw and the appealing shadow of stubble is simply alluring. Then there’s the teasing glint in his eyes that borders on seductive whenever he looks at me.
“Unfortunately, none I’ve ever wanted.”
“There are tons of pictures of you with different females on your arm at various events. You mean to tell me that you didn’t want any of them?” Those women were gorgeous. I’m talking leggy blondes with humongous boobs, socialites, models. Jealousy is gnawing at my gut just thinking about them.
Bryce drapes an arm over my chair, bringing our faces closer. “Honestly?” He mimics me.
So I do the same. “Please, honestly.”
“I don’t want to sound like a dick, but those women didn’t mean much more to me than companionship for a night. They all saw dollar signs when they looked at me. Most women do. It’s been a struggle finding someone who’s into me and not my bank account.”
“Those women must be stupid,” I hear myself say and gasp. There I go thinking out loud again. I eye the empty bottle of wine with accusation. A little alcohol and apparently my mouth takes on a life of its own.
Bryce is wearing a small, satisfied smile. His eyes boring into mine. “You don’t care about what I have.”
“You say that with such certainty, and you don’t know me.”
“I know,” he says and inches closer. “You pretty much insulted me about my privilege the morning you ran from me after class. You scoffed at it.”
Hot faced I force myself not to look away. “Sorry about that. I was...in a mood.”
He chuckles. “You don’t have to wonder what’s wrong with me. If you ask, I’ll tell you.”
I tilt my head to one side and frown. My heart drops. Oh no, is he married or something? “What’s wrong with you?”
“This is our first date and ever since we got here all I’ve been thinking about is spreading you across this table and having you for dinner. Not very gentlemanly.”
Sweet baby Jesus.
I’m gaping stupidly at Bryce but how am I supposed to respond to that? He still holds me captive under his smoldering stare. There’s no trace of humor on his expression. The man is very serious, and I need a change of underwear. Just his admission has fluid seeping between my thighs.
Gulping and finally finding my tongue, I whisper— I haven’t completely regained my voice yet― “If that’s all that’s wrong with you, I can work with that.”
One corner of his mouth lifts into a grin, and he leans even closer. “I’m relieved to hear that.”
His mouth hovers centimeters above mine and is tempting me beyond belief. My breathing is getting unsteady, and I’m getting drunk off of his scent. Whatever cologne he’s wearing is like an aphrodisiac. His eyes drop to my mouth. He’s about to kiss me. I’m craving it. My eyes flutter closed, and I let out a low moan.
To my chagrin, Greta arrives with dessert and Bryce pulls away.
I’ve been hot and bothered since that almost-kiss at dinner. The way my body came to life just at the thought of him kissing me was incredible. What would have happened if
he’d actually touched me? I could get into serious trouble with Bryce. By that, I mean, I can already tell he has the power to break my heart. And I’m going to give him even more power. I want to see him again.
“You’ve been quiet.”
I turn to peer at him in the dark car. We’re back in Oak valley, sitting in his car in the vacant lot. He’d asked if I wanted to stay in Cheyenne and head back in the morning since it was late. It was tempting but I opted to go home.
I wasn’t worried about Bryce trying anything. He’d offered me a private room on another floor. Plus, he is the most chivalrous man I’ve ever met. I was worried about what I’d do. I burned to do more than kiss him. And I want to take things slow.
“Just thinking about dinner.”
“Was it bad...good?”
“It was great. I enjoyed my time with you, Bryce.”
His audible exhale makes me smile.
“Same here. I’m hoping we can go for date number two soon.”
“I’d like that.” There’s no point in fighting my attraction anymore. Clearing my throat, I gaze at him. I can only make out the outline of his features with the light illuminating from a nearby streetlight. “Um...as you know, my schedule is crazy with school and work.”
“That’s okay. Like I said before, we can work around that. You know I have no problem waiting.”
“I know but I was thinking we don’t have to wait that long for date number two.”
He leans closer, and I can see the interest lighting up his eyes. “Really?”
I shift uneasily in my seat. I’ve never asked a guy out before. Technically, I’m not asking him out. I want to invite him to my place. It’s crazy. After trying to push him away out of fear of him discovering who I am, I’m inviting him to my home after one date. This one night with him has just been so enjoyable. I want more of his company. If we wait until I have time again, I won’t see him for another week or two except for in class.